Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It's been awhile.....

I just started this blogging thing yet again after a long hiatus and Im already lagging. Daily I think of things to write about, but yet I don't actually get as far as writing out my thoughts. Most recently, I was weighing the idea about making a post about work, and all the silly questions people ask me or about the silly things they ask of me. But the idea hasn't become a post...yet at least. Then I was checking out my cousins blog again, and liked how she does the Weekend Wrap-up posts, but I couldn't manage to wrap-up my weekend into a post...maybe next weekend. Being a mommy, I could blog about a million things my kids do that either are the cutest or the most frustrating, but that post could go on forever with endless pictures...not sure anyone's ready for that yet. Sometimes I feel like posting about music and how much I like an artist and their work...I get distracted and want to listen to the music instead. Sorry. So for today, instead of thinking about a single subject and blogging about it, I decided to blog about what I haven't blogged about. Hopefully these ideas of mine will actually be put into words and into a blog post soon, but until then, give me a break, it's been awhile. 

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